I enjoy many things about living here in NYC but trying to get on a plane and fly far away is not one of them. I heart my city but sometimes, just like me, she can be a real bitch. Up, Up, and Away As I shared at the beginning of my Atlanta series ( http://bit.ly/2va0Tha ) just trying to catch my flight out of my closest airport can be a struggle. All that does is make me want to get the hell out of here even more, which you can see becomes a real catch twenty-two. I have been flying solo since I was fourteen so I am used to the fact that the worst part of my vacations usually happen at the airport and usually its mine that is the real disappointment. For starters JFK, which I hate talking smack about simply because of who it is named for ( http://bit.ly/2vcOucb ), is not typically clean in fact using the bathroom sometimes makes me wish I was wearing a diaper. As if that weren't bad enough you can wait at the carousel for your luggage almo...