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Showing posts from April, 2016

For the King of This Castle: "Kings Theatre"

It is no secret that I love history. I love old buildings that are filled to the brim with stories others have forgotten. They sit silently waiting for someone to pay even the slightest bit of attention. It is only when we are in those quiet moments can we communicate with the past. Naturally Kings Theatre is one such place. I have been aching to get into this place for some time now. Ever since I learned it existed and as I patiently waited for its grand reopening, staying on top of the word on the street. Well now that word has to be shouted from the rooftop. There is a great, hot, new concert venue in Brooklyn and its closer to me than the Barclay Center! How did I get so lucky, you ask? This is how. Once upon a time, there was this glamorous movie theatre where youngsters would bring their dates to in Brooklyn. It was quite a majestic building for such an average outing. Those who attended probably never realized what a gem they were taking for...

For the Baby Who Was Celebrated in a Barn: "Black River Barn"

I was certainly not raised in a barn but boy I do like to party in one. I have only learned this about myself recently when I attended my cousin’s baby shower at Black River Barn in New Jersey. Right off the bat I was intrigued. It didn’t sound like a traditional party venue and I had trouble imagining it. I know my family, especially that side, has great style so I knew it would be a good time. I hadn’t a clue how smart an event I was attending. As soon as we pulled up I realized how popular this place was. The big red barn is visible from the highway, as you pull in wary of the speeding oncoming traffic in your way. The parking lot was way too full for this to be a one party at a time venue. As I got a closer look I realized it was located near a pond that seemed to be sparkling in the gorgeous spring weather we were having. The restaurant was filled with their logos and cute sayings all over the walls as well as on the t-shirts they were selling. What...

For Brooklyn's Own, the Original "Junior's Restaurant"

There are certain sacred areas of any town that give its patrons pride of an old standing tradition. I feel like my Brooklyn is increasing in popularity both for the new as well as old. It is an exciting time and I want to try to take advantage of all that is available to me. Recently I toured the newly renovated Kings Theater, which had been closed for over forty years but is now in a better state than when it originally opened its doors in the 1920s. I have plenty more information but that will be delivered when I premiere that blog post in a few short days. Exactly one week ago I premiered my brand new 2016/2017 to do list ( ). This contains everything I want to eat, see, and do. Or at least what is most important to me. It also has elements from the previous year that I have not gotten to. Time is truly flying by. As I struggled to assemble the perfectl...