My earliest memory of my father is of us playing on the floor. I must have been about three or four years old and I was pretending to be She-Ra and he was my horse Swift Wind. I would “walk” him all around, as he was on his hands and knees, grunting as horses do. I would wait for my father to come home from work just so we can play this game. This playtime left me feeling in charge and proud. This is a feeling I have loved all my life, just I have always loved him. Another unforgettable memory is the countless Friday nights we spend together way back when my mother used to babysit for someone. As soon as she left we went to Toys”R”Us and I could pick out any toy I wanted. Of course I was not supposed to tell my mother that the money she was making we were spending simultaneously. Then we would go home and he would clean. While he did he would put on our record player and we would dance around and sing to classics like “Electric Avenue...