When I think back to my days in high school, prior to my graduation in 1999, two thoughts immediately flood my mind. The first is that day during a trip in my freshman year when I met my B.F.F. ( https://bit.ly/36n266L ) and the next is my law teacher and the thousands of things she taught me. It was a place full of tough work, learning, and laughter. It is the reason I know that I was meant to attend that school and it is the law program that brought me there. Back in my day, any kid in the five boroughs who didn’t want to go to the high school they were zoned for could apply to a different school with a particular program. For instance there were schools that specialized in math and science. These have never been my interests. When I decided I wanted to go to James Madison High School it was the law program that was the only part that appealed to me. I was going there not knowing a single soul but it was where my future and education would e...