As I alluded to in an earlier blog, this week I have been thinking about “The Person Who Changed My Life” after watching this special report from CNN. After watching the program and seeing how and who the anchors mentioned as the people who changed their lives for the better, I have been thinking about how I would answer that question. Initially I had two thoughts. One, I wonder who I would identify. Second, I think the answer is me. Neither of those interviewed gave themselves as answer. I feel like this is a kind of question where the answer should fly right out of your mouth. I don’t know for sure but it seemed like the anchors I watched didn’t have to think about this at all. I wish I could know what their process was like. But in lieu of that information all I know is how I processed the information. For instance there are many changes we experience, both bad and good, that turn us into the people we were meant to be. I am assuming they mean this question to be...