"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters, compared with what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson I think my iPod is sending me subliminal messages. Today I heard a song that took me back to being a kid. It was a song that my childhood friend and I would play on the jukebox at the local pizzeria. I don’t know how often exactly but it feels like we would walk there once a week with our mothers, get a slice, and then get to play a song each. The rule was we couldn’t leave until we each heard our song. If someone was already playing one, we had to wait which felt like an eternity back then at four or five years old. If I close my eyes now I can still see what the floor looked like, what it smelled like in there, even our favorite table. I imagine myself wearing pig tails in my hair with those enormous plastic bubble rubber bands tied tightly. I remember calm, happy, easier times. It brings a sense of joy remembering thos...