They say it is impolite to stare. But I wonder it does this rule apply only to people or does it also apply to the food they are eating? What if you catch yourself ignoring your companions, while you instead visual stalk a waiter tray in hand, with your eyes clued to the dishes on that tray no matter where he or she moves with nothing breaking your concentration? There is no piece of furniture, fake shrubbery, or even other customers that can distract you. Suddenly you realize drool is coming out of your mouth and you don’t even care. Is that impolite? I wonder. I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I think memorizing a lunch menu via the tables around you should count too. Such was just the beginning of my recent luncheon at Rue 57. It was on my 2011 to do list ( ) and then sadly as I did not get to it, I had to put it back on my 2012 to do list ( ). But not shortly thereafte...