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Showing posts from June, 2018

For Find Out Friday - When Did Ronald McDonald’s Heart Become So Full?

I am a long time fan of reality television but I am picky with what I watch. I am the first to admit that I am Team Kardashian all the way and I have more than enough reasons to support my philosophy that they are some of the smartest business women around. But this post is not all about them. Long ago there was this little show on TLC called “Jon and Kate Plus 8”. This was way back before the father disgraced himself and left his family. Back then their show depicted a down to Earth couple raising a set of twins and sextuplets in Pennsylvania.  As this couple was raising two sets of multiples, it was interseting to watch them try to live normal lives with an extraordinary size family. Even as things changed I still followed their story and even met with Kate Gosselin during her book tour in NYC in 2009. The reason I bring up their story is because I remember during one of their specials the couple discussing the early arrival of their sextuplets and how t...

For Pizza That Has Everything But What Its Name Suggests: “Tony Boloney’s”

I have spent many days of my life eating pizza, including today. That is why I often like to stake out new pizzerias on Fridays thus leading to a well used hashtag of mine #PizzaFridays. Since the pizza I had today was leftover and from a place nearby that I have often I decided to use this #PizzaFriday to tell you about the latest pizzeria I have added to my repertoire; Tony Boloney’s.  Tony Boloney’s has two locations in New Jersey; one in Hoboken, and one in Atlantic City. Of all of the pizzerias I seek out and add to my annual to do lists ( ) New Jersey locations are not typically a mainstay. In fact, I only tried this pizzeria on the word of a fellow expert Frank Pinello. If you are not familiar with Frank, he is the man behind Brooklyn’s Best Pizza and host of “The Pizza Show” ( ).  I was on my way home after a cousin’s wedding when I stopped by the Hoboken location for lunch. I knew that this city like ar...

For the Absolution of Bar Food: “Redemption NYC”

Very rarely does one go to a bar simply for its food. But last Friday I did. I was meeting up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long, long while, and naturally she let me pick the place. I took to my most recent to do list ( ) and decided it was time to visit Redemption.  Redemption is a bar located on the Upper East side of Manhattan and is known for their wings and burgers mostly, though they have a full menu of delicious sounding food. I am sure the drinks are great too. I saw several that I wanted a sip of but I was driving.  As I waited for my friend to arrive I ordered an appetizer to start with. I knew long before I arrived I would be trying their wings, so I ordered a plate of their boneless variety. They offer several kinds of sauce but I went with the Redemption sauce because, you know, when in Rome…… This sauce is sort of sweet and spicy. It certainly didn’t disappoint. My friend is still craving them. I recommend a hearty supply o...

For Find Out Friday - How Did We Come to Need a Suicide Hotline SO Badly?

The news of Anthony Bourdain’s death today rocked my world. I was a fan of his, had eaten in his NYC restaurant, and watched his numerous television shows. Sure, he could be rough around the edges but he was always above all; unapologetically honest. That it was what I respected most about the man I never met but felt I knew.  Apparently what we all saw on the outside wasn’t at all what was brewing on the inside.  As if this week’s earlier news of Kate Spade’s suicide wasn’t enough, hearing about this second too soon passing of another empire of their industry was overwhelming. They both were seemingly at the top and left young daughters behind. The family and friends of each must be in enormous pain, especially given how upset I am and I didn’t know them personally.  In light of these tragic events I decided tonight’s Find Out Friday had to deal with the elephant in the room; the real struggle of those battling depression.  I will not pretend ...