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Showing posts from March, 2013

For the Luck of the Irish

While it seems everyone tries to keep their heads down and hide until St. Valentine’s Day is over, quite the opposite can be said when it comes to St. Patrick’s Day nearly a month later. Once March is upon us green isn’t just on money anymore, it is incorporated into every decoration, food, and everyday item we can imagine. Much the way pumpkin flavors overwhelm us in the fall, this week we can expect to see many Irish whiskey and corn beef and cabbage signs. I am half Italian and half Irish but have to admit that I have no real connection to my Irish heritage especially when it comes to food. When I was in elementary school and you had to bring in food from your culture I always brought in homemade pizza and was excited to taste the Irish soda bread that someone else’s mother had made. I never identified with it. In fact a long running joke in my family is that a great aunt of mine use to tease me and say that I was Italian and my brot

For My Blog's 2nd Birthday

I can hardly believe it but two years ago today I started this blog. I cannot believe it has been that long. I am so connected to it I cannot imagine a time when I existed and it did not. I have no idea what I did with my time or thoughts. I feel like I have so much to say and such a limited about of time to share it, and that’s now. God what did I do then? I never reread posts; once they are proofed and posted I am done. The longer time goes on the more I am additament that I do not go back in time unless I need some information. I feel awkward reading thoughts of someone else, because that’s how I feel. Once I write something I feel I have shed it and am onto the next. But when you see your growth or how you would do it differently now it can feel strange. I guess I should also see it as rewarding the changes I have made in my life and in myself. Today I reread last years birthday blog (