I can’t believe today is the last day in this year. Even though I have experienced this for thirty-four years now, it has a whole new feeling to me this time around. Having just begun my thirty-fourth year in these last two weeks I have become a changed woman. Sure the process has been underway for a while but now I am really feeling myself taking my life in my hands and in stride. I have eliminated a lot of negativity and self-destructing language I have a way of using when I am talking to myself. I figure I should treat myself better than I treat others and I would never have uttered out loud my previous thoughts when trying to comfort someone else. I am always encouraging and looking for the silver lining so now I am making sure that is behavior I use internally as well as externally. I realize I am actually looking forward to this New Year. Oddly enough there are so many posts online today about how to get through it and not become distraught or...