P.T. Barnum, 1869, where he wrote: "'Every cloud,' says the proverb, 'has a silver lining,' and so I did not despair.” Some days you just need to catch a break. You can be having a decent day, nothing out of the ordinary has happened, but for some reason you just need a little emotional lift. That was me yesterday. The irony is that as I felt that way I was researching this topic, it was not lost on me. But I didn’t manage to write anything down until today. Scarlet was right, “tomorrow is another day”. So now that it is officially Find Out Friday I am here with the quickness. I decided that the phrase “silver lining” is used very often in our daily language but like many of the other topics researched in this series I had no idea why. I don’t think anyone around me could tell me either. The saying is easy enough to understand; you are most likely trying to cheer someone up and thus find their individual silver lining for the situation. According t...