Botox has saved my life. Literally. I have been on it for years. How many? I don’t know offhand. What I do know is that it is easier to remember how much worse off I was without it. Beginning in 2011 I was taking upwards of twenty-five preventative medications daily just in an attempt to prevent a migraine attack. That doesn’t include an additional three to six pills once the dreaded migraine presented itself. Yes, despite all of my best efforts at prevention the pain still came and getting rid of it took days - if I was lucky. If I wasn’t, it took weeks. At my worst I ended up in the ER. It was beginning to look like I was going to end up in the hospital for an unspecified amount of time. With nothing to loose my doctor, a neurologist who is also a headache specialist at Montefiore Medical Center, suggested nerve blocking shots. They were nine shots right into the skull. I was hesitant but went for it. It hurt like he...