I know I am in the right restaurant when their blog is called “The Slice”. Automatically my mouth is watering for a big bite of their food. This love affair all started with an invite to celebrate my cousin’s fortieth birthday. What you have to understand about this cousin is that she is the complete opposite of what we use to think forty was like. Growing up, I am about to turn thirty-five, forty sounded like the end of a dirty road. I know many women freak out about turning thirty but I wasn’t one of them. Neither was this cousin. However now that I am half way through my thirties I am beginning to feel like forty is an age that I could never possibly be. I will officially be a grownup despite having acted as one since I was six. But it occurred to me that forty isn’t what it used to be. This cousin of mine is exceptionally amazing. She has a career she loves, spends her life with friends and family who are of the utmost important to her, travels the globe...