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Showing posts from March, 2018

For Find Out Friday - Why Am I Such Hot Stuff in Bed?

I am hot stuff.  Usually I am the hottest one in any room and I mean that literally. While other folks are shivering, I want to put the air conditioner on. Otherwise my face starts to turn red and I am instantly uncomfortable.  As I have said many times before, I suffer from a neurological condition called chronic migraine disease and this is a large reason why the F I feel so hot all of the time. Another reason is because of global warming and the inconsistent nature of mother nature.  But my question for tonight’s Find Out Friday is a more personal question I have been thinking about lately; why do I get so hot while I am sleeping? I can go to bed freezing, that is once I open a few windows in the dead of winter, yet still wake because I am unbelievably hot.  It is really annoying. I feel compelled to start tearing off items of clothing so that I can return as fast as possible to slumber. As an insomniac anything that bothers my sleep bo...

For the Best Italian Food Staten Island Has to Offer: “Pizza Parlor”

Sometimes a place seeks you out and its just too good you have to get there ASAP. That is the story behind me and Pizza Parlor.  As with a lot of places nowadays, Instagram is the source of much of my new found joy. One example in recent months was Pizza Barn in Yonkers ( ), home of the Super Slice. The most recent Insta-discovery was Pizza Parlor.  I had originally intended to put this on my next annual to do list ( ), which will be coming out shortly, but I couldn’t wait that long. After seeing images of the baked ziti calzone they were known for, I ran and told everyone I know about this dreamy dish. I then proceeded to mentally plan several imaginary trips there whenever I was in a one hundred mile radius. Finally I got there, right after a trip to the Staten Island Zoo (see last post). Pizza Parlor of New York is located in Staten Island, about thirty minutes past the zoo. Quite frankly i...

For the Smallest Collection of Wildlife I Ever Did See: “Staten Island Zoo”

I have only been to the Staten Island Zoo two times, that I can remember.  The first time I was about five and the second time was a couple of weekends ago.  In the span of over thirty years only a handful of things have changed.  I choose to revisit this particular zoo with my niece and nephew because they had never been before. We were spending the day together and I wanted them to experience something new. Although it was still technically winter, it was a brisk day and we all needed some air.  The zoo was open, though they warned many of their animals would be indoors. To me that seemed perfectly acceptable considering the extremely moderate and every changing weather.  The only thing I remember from my childhood visit was a handful of squirrels, one very rowdy peacock, and the tanks full of snakes and other creepy creatures.  I had read this zoo had undergone a renovation so I was being optimistic abo...

For Find Out Friday - How Honest is Your Iced Tea?

I am a thirsty girl, in the traditional sense.  No, I do not have diabetes as my mother frequently asks me. I am, however, on several preventative medications for my chronic migraine illness which certainly does not help.  I always have a water in my bag and probably a coffee in my hand. This is true. No matter where you may see me: in a grocery store, at a baby shower, or even on a trolley car in San Francisco, this is no doubt how you will find me. FYI - you need two hands to hold on for dear life in that last situation as I learned the hard way. I have tried my share of beverages that will keep me hydrated when I am sick of drinking water. Many iced teas contain an alarming amount of sodium which of course isn’t good for anyone, but especially not for someone who gets migraines.  Honest Tea is my favorite drink of all time. I LIVE for their honey green tea. Whenever I feel lightheaded, dehydrated, or just plain thirsty, I turn to Honest Tea as much...