For the Perfect Combination of Old School Tradition and Classic Food Choices in Modern Times: “P.J. Clarke’s”
Since 1884 P.J. Clarke’s has been a Manhattan staple serving up their signature simple food for their celebrity as well as civilian clientele. I am, as of now, part of the latter working towards being apart of the former. The first time I came upon a P.J. Clarke’s it was by accident. I was heading out towards Lincoln Center and it caught my eye. I was in the need for a place to eat before these kinds of outings that was fairly priced, had great food and many choices to choose from, also without a line out the door. Here the line is moving despite being incredibly crowded. Lucky for us diners the space is huge and operates on two full floors. Once your entire party has arrived there is usually no more than at fifteen-twenty minute wait. Any one of these criteria would be beneficial but to have it all is why it’s getting a dedication from me, here and now. Though that first visit was some years ago my affinity for them h...