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Showing posts from December, 2018

For a Pizza That’s Nothing to Cluck At: “Noble Kitchen and Cocktails”

If an average picture is worth a thousand words, than how many does one that makes you drool, accrue? In this age of constant social media, I feel like that phrase needs to be updated. Perhaps it should be “a proper foodie Instagram is worth the effort to track down that meal”. Sure it doesn’t roll right off the tongue but the sentiment behind it is certainly true. After a few short clicks, I had once again expanded my to do list.  My favorite food group of all time is pizza. Pizza is now trendy. You will see it as a design on many t-shirts and other paraphernalia. In fact, the picture above is of a sign I found in a card store. I was very tempted to buy it but I have to practice setting some boundaries.  I see pickles are headed towards this same upward trend now as well.  But back to pizza. I love it and yes I believe it loves me right back. It can do no wrong in my eyes and even the slices I have tried and ate without satisfaction a la the infamous ...

For Find Out Friday - What Junction Are You From?

When I first started this series ( ) the main purpose was to seek out the meanings behind everyday occurrences in my life as well as within our cultural norms. Only recently it dawned on me that I don’t know the meaning behind a commonly used term to describe my neighborhood. That term would be “The Junction”. As I drove around the other day I noticed a sign that actually displayed this name. One that was appropriately all decked out for the holidays.  Naturally I had to do my research.  I am born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. Flatbush, more specifically. Both terms are words derived from the Dutch colonists who settled this territory back in 1651. “The Junction” is the term used to describe the area that connects three of the largest avenues in Brooklyn: Flatbush Avenue, Nostrand Avenue, and Avenue H. This intersection is known as the gateway to the southern and eastern parts of the borough. Like any good intersection it is als...