I love pizza. I love #pizzaFridays even more. Thus, the perfect place to spend one was at this pop-up exhibit in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As the Museum of Pizza exclaims on it’s website: “Like a best friend, pizza is fun, reliable, consistent, flexible and unselfish. Always here for us when we’re hungry, happy, hurried or hungover. Pizza does not judge; it is always for the people, by the people - and that’s why we love it.” I couldn’t agree more. Pizza is the perfect snack or gourmet food. I have made a career out of keeping track of the shops I want to visit and reviewing the ones I have already been to. Most recently that included the chicken parm pizza from Noble Kitchen, for which you can read all about in my next post. Your entry into these exhibits begins by walking through a room filled with pizza boxes from all around the world. They are part of the Guinness World Record collection accumulated b...