There is always something to blog about. No matter where I am, what I have time for, or whether it has been planned ahead of time or not; I always find something I want to do, see, or eat. What follows shortly after my visit, is a blog post telling you why you should or shouldn’t do the same. I hope that my blogs educate, inspire, and excite my readers just as the act of completing items off my annual to do list does for me. I guess what I am really talking about is passion. I am passionate about everything I have included on this list, just as I was on all of the lists that came before, and the ones that will follow. As I continue on my journey as a blogger and seeker of new experiences, I have surely modified my ways. This year’s to do list includes both activities and restaurants that express where my current interests lay. For instance, since the introduction last year of #pizzafriday I am now on a quest to ...