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For Find Out Friday - Why Am I Working Like a Dog?

This is my dog Tiger, or as I called him, Jesus. He answered to both depending on who was calling for him.

Sadly he passed away several years ago, but he is still a beloved part of our family. 

Tiger was cherished and lived a great life. He ate breakfast with my mother, went on long walks with my father, and laid by my side while I read The New York Times. He lived a life better than most of his human counterparts. 

So if a typical dog’s life can be so grand, why then am I I working like one?

In the last few days, I have done more cooking, writing, and chores, on only a few hours sleep, then I can actually believe. I am exhausted. So much so that I have caught myself thinking, on several occasions, “I am working like a dog”. Yet any dog I have ever known or loved has never done any work in my presence. 

Why then are these delightfully lovable beings synonymous with hard work?

Historically, canines were working animals, not suited for domestic bliss but rather to help out their owners. This was especially true for those who lived on farms. 

It seems every breed had a job suited for them.

There are those who herd cattle, those that hunt wild game, and of course the most important job of all: protector the family.

To this list I would also like to add those dogs who are used by the police force as aides during the search for illegal drugs or bombs. 

All of this work and payment was only received in the form of food, lodging, and I like to think love. The phrase assumes that these are thankless jobs and that they do not warrant any acknowledgment for their hard work. Thus, we have now applied it to any scenarios in our daily lives where we too are feeling overworked and under-appreciated, even if what we are working towards is in our best interests. 

For as many times as I have said: “I am working like a dog”, I have also said that: “I want to come back as one”. But not just anyone. I prefer to come back as one owned by Lisa Vanderpump. You know the Bravo reality TV star and restauranteur. Her dogs, pets in general, live better, more luxurious lives than any of us could ever hope too. Hell, I’d gladly settle for being reincarnated as Hanky or Panky, the swans that swim in front of her palatial home; “Villa Rosa”.

This is just further proof that most dogs aren’t working so hard. 

Rather, they are living the dream.

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