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For Find Out Friday - Why is Karma Such a B-tch?

Last week’s Find Out Friday ( was inspired by what was on my DVR. It turns out this week’s is as well. 

The show that inspired me was this week’s episode of 9-1-1 on Fox, entitled what else: “Karma is A Bitch”. 

At one point two of my favorite characters, one played by Angela Bassett and the other by Aisha Hinds, had an interesting exchange. It went something like this:

“You know what they say. Karma is a bitch. 
Karma isn’t a bitch. She is a wild animal that won’t be caged.” 

Besides it being a highly enjoyable, laugh inducing episode, it made me think. 

Why is Karma a bitch? What it the origin of this phrase?

This topic is similar to two previous Find Out Fridays. The first dove into the meaning behind silver linings ( and the second was an attempt to find out why blessings feel the need to wear disguises (

But this subject was hard to delve into it. Mostly I found out the proper definition for karma which happens to be a Sanskrit word for action, work, or deed. Karma has an origin in India but is featured in numerous religions and beliefs such as: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Taoism.

Karma is connected to the idea of rebirth and as a lesson for how our actions cause positive or negative effects not only in our lives but most importantly in our after lives. The forces of good and evil are prevalent in the real world and how we react and our intentions are all to our own benefit. I guess it is sort of like when they say when you forgive someone you do it for yourself not for them. 

The idea that karma can be a bitch sounds like an American spin on the notion but I cannot find that the exact time or location where that phrase originated. When reading up on karma there is much to learn about how people all over the world incorporate that belief into their everyday lives. 

No matter the specifics, what everyone seems to agree on is that karma comes into play when the forces of evil come upon good people. How we then deal with the evil deeds, both big and small, shows our true character. Whether this is for a higher being or just to advance your own personal growth, depends on the person. 

I am known to say: “that evil lives forever”. That is because in my own experience those that seem to do the suffering in this world are the people whom least deserve it. 

My grandmother always said that the people that deserve to be taught a lesson will get their share, whether she would be around to see it or not was a separate subject. The person she was referring to is only now getting a taste of what she deserves and sadly my grandmother isn’t here to see it. 

This all makes me think.

If we aren’t there to witness the enlightenment of those who have done us and those we love wrong, does it count? 

What if they get to live a life that is wonderful, fulfilling, and only learn their lesson the hard way at the end? 

I am not sure that satisfies me. 

But I do what I do because I am afraid karma will get me in the end?


I am what / who I am. 

I believe my acts of kindness are rewards within themselves. I know that compassion is a gift, that is cannot be taught. 

So it appears the real discovery tonight is not why karma can be a bitch but rather why I am not when so many people deserve it. 

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