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For those who want to learn to stalk properly

While I am sure most of you have not been called a stalker, for me the odds are a bit higher. I know it sounds bad, but it’s a title I take with great pride. After all it has been years in the making and in order to do it successfully it takes a great deal of work. I always say I should be working for the FBI.  Now don’t get the wrong idea I am not stalking exes or hiding in the bushes. Rather I am just a determined woman who likes to set a goal and see it accomplished. My most common method of this so-called stalking, is tracking down celebrities at events or after plays. I have to say I am quit good at it and have established a collection of signed playbills and other memorabilia.  It is one of the greatest joys of my life. I get such a high after meeting someone who talents I so admire.

Now I have to admit I doubting share my secrets but if I kept them to myself what kind of queen would I be?

Below are my stalking commandments:

For Events or Tickets
1.     When in pursuit of a great new exhibit, tickets to a hot new event, or even a rare book you want to get your hands on the key is always to be persistent.
2.     Use the main website of said event and call for the date the tickets or item is being released to the public, i.e. first day of sale.
3.     Then register for their email and/or newsletter for up to date information.
4.     This is the best way to stay in the loop and be the first in line.

For Plays/Events with a stage door
  1. Prior to seeing a play scope out the stage door. The stage door is where the actors will come out afterwards. If you do not where the stage door is ask someone. It is better to be prepared.
  2. If there are celebrities in your show the crowd will be intense. There are usually even police controlling the crowds. So there will be barricades holding in the crowds. The goal is to be the closest to the barricade if not directly on it. I find it best to leave as the audience is still clapping to beat the rush. Remember the bigger the stars equals bigger crowds equals you have to leave earlier and fight harder. Remember not to be afraid of shoving and pushing and be willing to push back.
  3. Another great tip is to be patient. Some fans are in a hurry and don’t want to wait it out. They assume that if the stars aren’t out immediately they aren’t coming out. You have to remember they are getting changed, taking off makeup and visiting with anyone who has come to see them back stage. It may take a while like even an hr or more. But if you want to meet someone you will wait and hopefully this thins the crowd for you a bit.
  4. Always have your camera ready, most often you wont be able to pose with anyone but be ready to point and shoot. Actors move fast and you have to be ready for that perfect shot.
  5. Always have a black sharpie handy. Actors often have their own but you never know when they wont be prepared. It happens.
  6. Always feel calm and be willing to tell them how excited you are to see them; they never get tired of hearing it. But use their real name and not their characters, especially from previous work. They really hate that. I have actually seen people on the verge of getting an autograph get skipped. Now of course it depends on the person but better to be safe after all that waiting.
  7. Then enjoy the thrill of victory!!! Be sure to safe guard your new prize in a case that prevents dust and acid erosion.
Proof that I always get my man (woman)!!!!


  1. Ahhh, just took a hit of our favorite drug... ordering broadway tickets with a coupon!


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