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For a Cheesy Update Upon My Return to “Roll-n-Roaster”

Roll-n-Roaster (RnR) is not just a cherished treasure in the heart of Brooklyn. It is known far and wide as a place where you must patronize anytime you are in fifty-mile proximity. I know plenty of people who can back me up.

For now let’s go with Anthony Bourdain:

As a local I can eat here whenever I want. I am spoiled by the luxury of what I call “upper class fast food” meaning that it is essentially burgers and fries but much better than you would get let’s say at McDonalds. Plus the real show stoppers here are the homemade roast beef sandwiches and the cheese. Oh that cheese and they seriously will put it on anything that you please.

Since I am there so often there isn’t usually anything new for me to report after my blog last year (

However this summer, for the first in my memory, there is something new and exciting happening at this Sheepshead Bay eatery. They have a brand new outdoor stand for those who need food and refreshments on the go.

Joan Lamonica, wife of owner Buddy Lamonica said:

"After numerous trips to the Amalfi Coast where they make the most natural and delicious lemon ice in the world, my husband decided to offer his own delicious version to his RnR customers (homemade and totally natural with just lemons, sugar and water)."

I was so eager to check out this stand that when I was there a few weeks ago I managed to withstand the hundred-degree heat for a few moments to take some photos, chat up the friendly girl who waited on me, and time for her to make me a strawberry shake. The shake was good just not Berry’s good ( I might have also eaten too much before tackling this shake.

Besides the shakes the stand is selling roast beef paninis (a new trick for an old dog) and while we are at it hot dogs too. These dogs are said to rival Nathan’s Famous (, another Brooklyn institution.

But if you are too hot or full for food I strongly suggest give the ices a whirl, they are available in lemon and orange, just like their signature drinks. This time I was so pleased to see the many tiny lemon trees starting to sprout.

I am definitely going to try an ice or two myself sometime this week. I LOVE Italian ices and at RnR I can’t go wrong.

The final new addition to the Roll-n-Roaster experience does not have anything to do with the food. It is the newly launched Roll-n-Roaster App where you can place and pay for your order before you arrive. Their website is also taking orders as another way to keep the restaurant moving forward along with the millennials they serve.

I for one love anything that will allow for a shorter waiting period while looking for a parking spot in their notoriously small lot as well as a seat, although I usually find one pretty fast. No matter what, RNR does they seem destined to remain on top.

In a neighborhood where food choices are limited to either Italian or Chinese, I am happy to have this classic still around.

For More Information:


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