are some days I just don’t want to get out of bed. Then there are the days
where I simply can’t because of my migraines. Then there are the days where I
know once I force myself out of bed the only thing I have to do is relax. Those
days are few and far between but not only are they well deserved they are
planned. They are for me and me alone!
crave days like this. They are pure joy and by the end of them I feel like one
big pile of melted butter. My one and only must on a day that I designate
solely for me, is a massage. But not just any massage. I treat myself to
Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spas. This is an all out extravagant purchase. On this
day nothing is to get in my way. I will not drive, I will not interact with
anyone unnecessary, there is no work to be done, no dietary restrictions, or
anything that requires any kind of exertion whatsoever. I am only to reconnect with my soul and
allow my body to finally rest, relax, and recharge.
I like best about the Red Door Spa is that it is on Fifth Avenue right in the
heart of the shopping district of New York City. That are is always packed fill
of people and noise. But once I open that large red door and enter inside it is
like falling through the looking glass. I am in an entirely new world and it
keeps getting better and better. As I change into my robe and slippers and hang
out in the relaxation room and causally breeze through several magazines, I
carefully sip my cucumber water of which the glass now appears too heavy to
hold. Thankfully there is always someone to take it from me. Before I have any
treatment most of the work is already done and from the depth of my being I
it’s off for my favorite massage, a Desert Hot Stone. It is a classic massage
that then has hot stones rubbed all over your body to enhance the relief. It is
a work of God. By the time I have to leave the room, between the effects of the
massage, the dim lighting, soft music, aromatherapy, I am practically
love when the therapist tell you to take it easy and make sure to go back to
the relaxation room and rest up before getting changed and leaving. That is the
worst part. How do I know it’s time to go? Mostly I know when to go because I
am going to miss my bus and I know I am going to need enough time to hit up the
gift shop first to make as big attempt as possible to bring whatever just
happened here home with me. Spoiler alert- it won’t work, despite the amazing
word ‘pamper’ is among my favorite in any language. Just getting a pedicure
puts me in a better mood. But after my spa day I am more than just relaxed, I
am nourished back to life. Every time I go I am always surprised by just how
much. It seems to get better and better. The really great news is that they
have so many locations nationwide that you can find one to try just about
anywhere. I strongly suggest you do.
Whatever it is you do for
yourself it is important to make sure to make time for yourself. As I sit here and write this I guess I
didn’t realize how much I could really use some time to unplug my mind, body,
and soul. Today I could really use a massage.
Quality alone time is of course more than the time,
it’s the mindset. It is putting yourself in the space to treat yourself well,
to give yourself permission to be spoiled for a job well done no matter what it
is that you are doing. If you are working forty hours a week, you need to
unwind and focus on yourself for once. If you are a parent, you need to refocus
on your needs in order to go back to your family energized for the following
week. It doesn’t matter who we are or where we are coming from, loving
ourselves comes in all forms. (
me one very important way is definitely with a day all to myself.
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