Packing can be the most annoying and yet important part of a trip, after booking the trip that is. What you pack is crucial to your comfort and ability to conform to changes in the weather. If you are walking around freezing or drenched from rain your ability to enjoy yourself just went down the tubes. That is why after I establish an itinerary template; I also have a packing template. It allows me to always remember to pack the basics and I can always modify the clothing options depending on where I am going.
Here are the things you MUST pack for every vacation:
- A mini umbrella- so that you don’t get caught off guard or pay $30 for one unexpectedly;
- All of your research and booking documents;
- Snacks- that will travel well in any weather, like pretzels or granola bars. They are good to have for the plane, early mornings, and times in between meals;
- An extra camera battery and memory card. Also make sure someone else traveling with you has a camera just in case;
- Mini hand sanitizer;
- Gum for the airplane;
- A flashlight- because you never know when you will need it;
- Over the counter cold medication;
- Benadryl;
- Evian Mineral Water Facial Spray- A friend of mine gave me these and I love them! These are great if you are going to be walking around someplace warm: (
- Messenger bag- good for either gender, allows you to be: hands free, safe, and comfortable;
- A pen and paper;
- Clorox/Lysol wipes- wipe the hotel room (i.e. faucets, remote, door knobs) and airplane armrests and tables off;
- Travel size Febreze or other room deodorizer;
- Extra Ziploc bags- you never know what you will buy or what will burst in your luggage; and
- Be sure to put in a couple of sheets of paper in your suitcase, in different spots, with your name, address (including country) and telephone number. This is in case the luggage tags get ripped off.
Well I hope you all now feel empowered and informed to start planning your vacations. Keep in mind all of these tips can be used for any type of travel, be it a day trip or a week- long holiday. Bon voyage!!
I know everyone has a personal style when it comes to travel, so what are YOUR best travel, planning, or packing tips??
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