I have three major rules when it comes to my life and the way
I approach going to important events. I try to never get my hopes up,
anticipate all possibilities, and brace myself for the worst. I almost always
use a coupon. I only ever break my cardinal rule of using a coupon for the very
rare and precious of events. This would have to be a once in a lifetime,
invaluable experience that I would have to attend no matter the cost-
literally. These occasions are extremely unusual for someone for goes to the
theater and see as many celebrities as I do. However, such a momentous event
happened to me last week. I caved in, actually scratch that. I gladly took on
the cost of a full price (big lump in my throat, must swallow) to see what I
knew would be the most talked about show of this theater season, Philip Seymour
Hoffman in “Death of a Salesman.”
But before we can precede any further you need some
background information. For instance, I had been waiting for this production to
hit the Broadway stage for months; many, many months and I can prove it-
These links to my previous blogs show that I mentioned this
show as early as March 30, 2011 and then again as I followed any and all news
about it, on August 17, 2011. This should have been my omen. Instead I took it
as something to look forward to. Silly rabbit tricks are for kids!
Anyway back to present time. So after a few months of waiting
for coupons that would never arrive I took the plunge and purchased my very
overpriced but hot ticket. But I knew it would be an experience. It is also
important to note here that I never particularly cared for the story of “Death
of a Salesman.” After all it is kind of a downer and I get enough of that
watching the Investigation Discovery channel. I had read the play in high
school so I knew the plot but I thought my God seeing Philip Seymour Hoffman as
Willy Loman will be something and better yet I was going mostly to meet him
after at the stage door. To say I am enormous fan of his film career is an
understatement. I can prove this too as his name is a constant on my blog, as
it was mentioned here again on July 24, 2011 in reference to his award winning
portrayal of Truman Capote-
This happens to be my favorite performance of his of all
Since this show had a limited engagement and I had purchased
my ticket about a month before I was attending, it turns out I was seeing the
second to last performance of the entire run. That added some excitement and
tension in the air. On the day of the show I was sick as a dog with a sinus
infection yet I knew I had to drag myself to this show because there would be
no other opportunities and I had waited so long to see it. Plus it was day two
of my Broadway week, as I was seeing three shows in six days.
When I finally arrived I took pictures of the theater and the
signs that said the show was sold out. That didn’t stop people from walking in
off the street still attempting to purchase tickets. I felt like that kid from
the Willy Wonka movie except it was I who had the golden ticket! I silently
patted myself on the back for a job well done for purchasing when I had. Even
though I was alone I couldn’t have been happier. I was anxious for the lights
to dim and counting down to the final moments of the show when I would shove
past the two nice people to my right and make a mad dash to the stage door to
claim my rightful spot at the front of the barricade to meet my star!
Now as I mentioned above I had planned to be a little bored
during the show because of the material, NOT the actors. But to my great
delight that was not the case. I was in a state of shock as I was gasping out
loud reacting to scenes as they unfolded before my eyes. It was like I was
truly learning the story for the first time.
For weeks I had been seeing the ads and reading the reviews
of how wonderful the performances were. I didn’t know what I would think. But I
was in shock. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s command of the stage and of this role,
especially in since this was his Broadway debut, was astounding. All of the
press and buzz had been right. Not only right but also maybe even undersold the
excellence if possible. He was truly captivating and I couldn’t take my eyes
off of him.
Andrew Garfield of Social Network and the upcoming new
Spiderman movie fame played Biff and was an utterly fantastic foil for
Hoffman’s Willy. Had these two actors not had the guts, strength, and raw
talent, the show would have crumbled. I was just sitting there with my mouth
open most of the time. The show was flying by. I had not seen Andrew before on
film but now know his talent would probably not come through as clearly. I am
eager to see when and what will be his next Broadway role because that is where
he is destined to be.
Not to be missed and surely of equal importance to round out the cast of the Loman family were Linda Emond as Linda and Finn Wittrock as Happy. These four actors and characters were all a perfect fit. None would have been a success without the other. Each brought out the other's talent. Each character was so real and three dimensional, your heart just burst with emotions back and forth for every one of them.
At intermission I stretched my legs and took a breather. The
theater was so jammed packed and hot. It was unbearable weather that day in New
York City. Those fifteen minutes flew by. Within an instant we were back in our
seats awaiting the fate of the Lomans and the conclusion of the show. Then I
knew my destiny, I would make my run for it and finally have my glorious moment
with Mr. Hoffman which now after seeing this show I was even more excited for.
As soon as the curtain dropped and the audience was on their
feet, I was up and on mine out that door. I was so proud of myself. I was the
first one at the barricade. My system never fails me! (http://thequeenoff-ckingeverything.blogspot.com/2011/03/for-those-who-want-to-learn-to-stalk.html)
As it was starting to drizzle outside I opened my umbrella and was all prepared. The crowd started to emerge and disburse. It was then I recognized a familiar face from a few rows in front of me. It was James Lipton of the Actor’s Studio going in and out of the stage door quickly after a brief hello. I quickly captured his picture and waved despite not many people seeming to notice him. He appears much smaller to me in person. It must be that stage or something about being on stage that shrinks people in real life.
The next person out of the stage door was Seth Meyers from
Saturday Night Live and a few of his friends. He was nice enough to wave and I
tried to capture his photo but it was hard as he was leaving in a hurry.
Next up it was Finn Wittrock who exited quickly and I didn’t
get to meet. Then Andrew Garfield came out. He was super friendly and signed
playbills and tried to get to everyone. He allowed photographs to be taken even
though he was starting to get soaked from the light rain. He was a dear and
when I was startled by his British accent (I was unaware of his heritage,
another sign of his talent) he took it in kind. I cannot express enough how
sweet and skilled he was. All of the young girls were melting over him.
To be clear at the stage door there were only two types of
people: those young girls there to see Andrew Garfield and then the five
remaining adults waiting for Philip Seymour Hoffman. For the record I would
have loved to have met Linda Emond also. But that was not in the cards for me.
After most of the crowd left after Andrew, I waited patiently. It had only been
about ten minutes and I have been known to wait as long as it takes. A personal
best has been well over an hour. The rain had stopped so it was much more
pleasant. That’s when the other shoe dropped.
All of a sudden the security guard went back in and came out
and said “sorry guys Phil is gone.” Then he proceeded to take away the
barricades and then it was over. Everyone left but I stood there stunned. I was
confused. For a moment, I thought who is Phil? In my mind I always use his full
name: Philip Seymour Hoffman, like I am introducing him to royalty. It was then
that my heart broke with the full realization in front of me.
Normally I am well aware of the odds I take when going to
wait at a stage door, but for some reason I expected more here. I expected that
with only two shows to go, with an audience that had wanted to badly to meet
him, with literally only a handful of signatures to do, that we would receive a
courtesy. I have been to stage doors before where actors are hurt, or in a
rush, and just come out and say hi, or sorry, but I got to go. They stand for a
posed photo. It is just the thought. The thought that you are only on Broadway
or even famous because of the general public who pays to see you perform.
Whether you are good or not is not the point.
I have a grievance list of actors who do not do this and it
is known as my black list. Fool me once, I will never seen you perform again
and will never recommend you to anyone either. Big mistake! Huge! Being polite
goes a long way. At least tell people before they stand in the rain. I have met
bigger stars than this who were generous and appreciative. So it’s not who you
are, it’s who you think you are. Hell hath no fury like a blogger scorn!
Despite my obvious gripes about how this evening ended, overall
I'm glad I splurged to see the show. It was a fantastic production, captivating,
and just plan awe inspiring.
But some hurt and disappointment can't be undone or
Just ask Willy Loman.
For reviews and
For the reason behind full
price tickets:
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